Thursday, May 15, 2014

Job/Internship Interview Tips

  This summer I have been applying to job after job and internship after internship. Which means that any minute now I'm going to be called in for an interview. Because of this I decided to look up interview tips that will help me get the job and internship that I want. If you are also applying for jobs, or if you're going to an interview here are some interview tips that will also help you out.
1.) Before the interview practice by going over common interview questions with someone else. When you are practicing try to take everything as seriously as if you were in a real interview.
2.) List questions to ask the interviewer that will show your interest in the job.
3.) Come prepared to the interview by bringing things that you know you will need such as a pen, a notebook, extra copies of your resume and references, and other work related material.
4.)Dress appropriately for the job that you are being interviewed for. One of the first things that an interviewer is going to judge you on is the way that you are dressed.
2012-09-26 Not Dressed As Lamb 002
5.) Once the actual interview begins above all be confident and enthusiastic.
6.) If an interviewer asks you to tell them about yourself, although it is an intimidating and difficult to answer question. This question can be used towards your advantage because you are being given the opportunity to describe yourself positively in a way that will interest the interviewer. You should take the time to talk about your strengths and accomplishments. A good strategy is to tell a brief story that will demonstrate your skills and qualities.
7.) If you end up messing up on an answer don't freak out. Take a deep breathe and rephrase your answer. A good response is to say "Actually can I rephrase that in a better way...". The most important thing that you can do once you've made a mistake is to keep your cool and gracefully shrug it off. 
8.) Once the interview has ended take the time to write a thank you letter because it will reinforce your interest in the position and it will address any concerns or questions that arose during the interview. 

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