Saturday, May 9, 2015

The Unconventional

   What I love about fashion is that not everyone gets it. There are certain outfits that I know certain friends of mine will not appreciate and thus, I know that if I decided to wear these outfits around them, I have to be prepared to hear their critiques without letting it get to me our affect my sense of self. Moreover, there are so many different outfit combinations that at first thought you don't believe would actually work well together but when you actually do put these combinations together, you realize how well they look together. Then there are times when you wear an outfit and realize how it badly it actually looks but you are already out participating in the world and its too late to change out of it. However, that's what so great about fashion, not everything that you decide to wear looks good together and even when it does, not everyone will appreciate it. But you have to remember that you are dressing for yourself in order to express yourself and what you stand for. At those moments instead of focusing on your terrible outfit and people's critiques all you can do is focus on having fun and doing whatever it is you are doing at the moment the best that you can. You will have many more opportunities to actually be able to work an unconventional outfit.

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