Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Paying It Forward

     I have a certain coworker whom no one seems to like. She's a kind woman, but she isn't necessarily a hard-worker or prudent. What I mean by this is that she would rather talk and talk and talk to a coworker or customer than actually help do some work. Regardless of this I have felt bad for her on several occasions because she has been going through an incredibly difficult time. That's why a couple of weeks ago, when she asked me to help her look for a place to live at, I decided to help her. I'm a working college student and barely have enough time to eat. However, even though everyone told me that I shouldn't waste my precious time to help someone who never helps me; I knew that the right thing to do was to help her. When I was younger I too went through a dark period when my family and I were basically homeless and barely surviving. It was difficult to find any reasons to want to continue to survive; yet, I remember that just as everything was looking bleak and pointless several strangers, whom didn't even know us, came together and helped us. They didn't ask for anything in return and didn't necessarily have enough money or food to help complete strangers, but they did it anyways. They gave us food, shelter, clothing, and even presents for Christmas. I remember how amazing it was to have so many people whom we had barely met give us so much love and support. As much pain and shame that we were going through, those people were a gift to us because they kept us strong and helped us continue to believe that there is still good in the world. My coworker might not be the best coworker in the world but what kind of person would I be if I didn't help someone experiencing the same situation that I once did. How could I live with myself knowing that complete strangers helped me live and I wouldn't do the same for a woman whom only needs a small push. I believe that that the best way for me to pay it forward and honor all of the people whom helped my family and I survive is to help someone without asking for anything in return. After all, sometimes its the small things we do for someone that make all the difference of whether or not they survive another day.  

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